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Tag: contest

Antisense Giveaway Winner Selected!

18745798A winner has been selected for our giveaway of a copy of Antisense by R.P. Marshall! Congratulations, David H of Leeds, West Yorkshire! We hope you enjoy it. We surely did! The book is traveling a looooooong way to get to you.

If you entered the contest, and you didn’t win, then you can still get your hands on a copy of the book [easyazon_link asin=”B00GCS3WUO” locale=”US” new_window=”default” nofollow=”default” tag=”gimmethatbook-20″ add_to_cart=”default” cloaking=”default” localization=”default” popups=”yes”]here[/easyazon_link].

Want more information? You can find our review of Antisense here!

Here’s the blurb that appears on the book:

What if you could evolve in a moment? What if you had the power to change the genetic future of your loved ones and the people they become – simply by the way you live your life? When neuroscientist Daniel Hayden’s father dies, such thoughts begin to erode his very sanity, with the growing fear that he might share a dark secret buried deep in his family’s past – a past he is about to relive. The idea only seems to gain credibility from the bizarre results coming from his own laboratory, forcing Daniel to resurrect the discredited theories of an eighteenth century naturalist in the process. Was Daniel’s fate sealed all those years ago? Has he been betrayed by his own DNA? Antisense combines literary fiction with the sharp, crisp prose and pace of the best suspense novels. The author’s insight into medical science and how it might inform the nature of human behaviour is all the more compelling because it is based on real science. It’s not a whodunit, but a whydunit. Not science fiction, but fiction with real science woven through it. A thought provoking and enigmatic work.

Blue Labyrinth giveaway WINNERS!!

Conratulations to our lucky winners!!!!!

Roberta M and Heather Lee R. :    You will both be receiving a copy of Blue Labyrinth by Preston & Child, courtesy of Grand Central Publishing.

Thanks to all who entered! We will continue to offer giveaways on a regular basis, so stay tuned for more FREE books!

 Win Me That Book!

Is It You, Me, or Adult ADD? by Gina Pera

[easyazon_image add_to_cart=”no” align=”center” asin=”0981548709″ cloaking=”default” height=”500″ localization=”yes” locale=”US” nofollow=”default” new_window=”default” src=”” tag=”gimmethatbook-20″ width=”333″]

Gina Pera, the author of the above seminal work on ADD and the causes of common problems in ADD relationships, was kind enough to give us five signed copies of her book to give away. We could just horde ’em! We want to. Instead, however, we’re actually going to be giving away one signed copy of Is It You, Me, or Adult ADD? by Gina Pera to each of 5 lucky entrants. All you have to do is enter your name and email! Contest ends November 12th, but don’t wait… enter now!

All you need to do is fill this out:

* indicates required

Gina Pera is a leading authority on ADD and ADD relationships. Coming soon is an interview with the author herself, so keep your eyes plastered to this blog until then

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